Karen Niles

This is a drawing from Karen Niles, a member of our community. She drew this picture with colored pencil in 1984. Although it has been a while since she has drawn, recently she has begun to take an interest in drawing again.

Sketches from Derek Niles

These are a few sketches from Derek Niles who will be 9 years old in October. With the Spiderman and storm trooper pictures he cut them out and taped them together so they could hang from the wall.

Sketches from Patrick Harding

These are a few sketches from Patrick Harding’s Sketch book. He has a minimalist style, meaning that he uses as few lines and shapes as possible to give the impression of what he is trying to draw. This style can provide a very pleasing and refreshing picture. All of these pictures were rendered in pen.

Jared Barton – Job Composition

Jared Barton, one of our members trained in classical guitar, has composed a musical piece based on the life of Job.

Portraits by Kelcy Poat

Kelcy Poat is a member of our community and has taught herself to draw quite well. The first picture is a portrait of the fortieth president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. The second is a portrait of the Christian theologian, Francis Schaeffer.

Jon Trevillyan C S Lewis Sketch

Jon Trevillyan is a deacon in our community who has been teaching himself to draw with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. One of the hard parts of drawing is learning to see what is actually in front of you instead of what you believe something looks like. Because we see objects like faces every day, we have a certain thinking of how they should look. However, what we think usually isn’t accurate, and the artist has to train himself not to revert to what he thinks the subject looks like but what it actually looks like. Here Jon drew two portraits of C. S. Lewis from a picture. The second time he drew it upside down. By drawing it upside down his brain was able to see more accurately what was actually there instead of what it thought was there. As you can see, the second picture has significantly better facial anatomy and proportion.

Sketches of Megan, Brittany, and Pat

Here are some pictures from the sketch books of Megan, Brittany, and Patrick. All of the pictures by Megan and Brittany were done in pencil. Patrick’s were rendered with a ball point pen. The sticky notes on Patrick’s picture and Brittany’s picture are from our art teacher. She sticks one on each of our weekly sketches giving us helpful critiques and encouragement.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Another drawing from Timothy’s sketch book, this is a portrait of Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Martha Liebert

These pictures were painted by Martha Liebert, the mother of our art teacher, Lisa Krell. She has given us many of her paintings, and we use them to decorate places like our dining room, meeting room, and hallways. They also provide inspiration for the budding artists in our community. Most of the paintings are oil on canvas.